Tuesday, March 28, 2006


recuperation is key, and just resting to get back on track. havent been around to complete some shoes. Yet. they're all at the second stage. many apologies.

in my haste, i forgot to mention how the procedure is. ohwell. just email me at nadiah.yusoff@yahoo.com.sg stating what design you want (if you have ur own, even better), what's ur shoe size (35-41), and when you want it. then i'll quote you my price.

give me 3 weeks and we're all done.

simple, no?

Wednesday, March 22, 2006

__LOLA under constrution (sneak peeks)

__make believers. (past orders)

[__sadVERONICA: lace sewn on colour of choice. with beads&extra lace. $28]

[__camille: white on brown, with sewn on white lace & beads. 28$]

[__rosy: lace sewn on orange base. $18.]

[__miss midnight: lace on light green base with stripey laces. $18.]

small beginnings.

can i call this an attempt or am i just hoping for the best answer to a dissatisfaction. either way, this is solely for enjoyment and maybe the smell of something big.
